Why are we selling this product? We are constantly asked if we have certain parts for this, that or the other old machine. Often we do but when asked for measurements, most of you say, "Well, it's about this long and that in diameter". Unfortunately, "this and that" is not a measurement. If you're running analog machines, you know you'll need parts from time to time. Figuring out what you need is often about describing the part with accurate measurements.
When we tried one of these calipers in our shop for utility work, we really liked it for the money. We made a deal with the manufacturer for a quantity and are able to offer you a damned good measurement tool at a very reasonable price. As it is with everything we sell, before we ship, each unit is processed through our shop, thoroughly cleaned, lubricated and tested against laboratory standard Browne & Sharpe 1-2-3 blocks and Vermont Gage precision pin gages. Only if it measures up will it end up in your hands - our guarantee. |